I noticed when I turned about 30 that new music did not sink into my soul, nor even just my ears, as it had as a teenager, should I then pretend I always liked classical... Then I realised that in the long ages of the palaeolithic (warning just-so story ahead) the music that one was exposed to as a teenager was probably sung by elders (survivors maintaining the world) who may well change what they heard a bit but, basically, everyone heard the same songs at the same age and so generational differences were not entombed into cultural references, bad storms and earthquakes were probably more noticeable than songs. Songs did travel across continents, like singles, but the sacred songs that sung life into country, that sung you into adulthood at initiation, were maintained. So the openness of youth, who then becomes the maintainer and transmitter to those young, keep peeps peopling as human being, those young who survive and age then in turn pass it on. Music is thus, of course, is a medium of information and worlding responsibility, the medium is more than the message. I think the explosion of youth culture post WW2 amd mega bands who rock on, slowing down with elvis, may well represent a lost opportunity of integration, that we used to do in the palaeolithic. (please eat your greens).meika1965 (I can remember when boomers were young and annoying...)

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Author

Wow Meika, you're way old! I have readers who don't know what Honesty-Humility is; you have readers who don't know what *anything* is that you talk about. We're all kids! And all of us think Boomer music is pretty dreadful. After all, if it doesn't hurt to listen to, how could it be any good?


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also Boomers are stupid because of leaded petrol, but all those gains have been lost because of social media #justsaying

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proper throat metal


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Come to think of it, you'll really like this - at least, I really do, and it has a 70's vibe:


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